Numerical simulation of coupled heat and mass transfer under the effect of pressure gradient in porous media
Received:November 09, 2009  Revised:June 25, 2010
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KeyWord:the finite element method  the finite difference method  coupling  Dirichlet boundary conditions  mixed boundary conditions  multi-physics
朱正刚 德累斯顿工业大学 结构分析学院,D-01062 德国
KALISKE Michael 德累斯顿工业大学 结构分析学院,D-01062 德国
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      Drying porous media leads to a coupled process of heat and mass transfer. Based on the macroscopic viewpoint of continuum mechanics, coupled heat, moisture movement and gas phase flow is numerically simulated. The effect of pressure gradient on the heat and mass transfer is studied. Diffusional and convectional flow of water vapor and air; moisture flow driven by gradient of moisture and temperature (Soret effect) are basic mechanisms of mass transfer in porous media. A 3-D coupled model under Dirichlet and mixed type of boundary conditions, based on the Galerkin weighted residual finite element method, is presented to account for the coupling among temperature, moisture content and gas pressure of the porous media dried at high temperature.