Estimation of temperature-dependent function of thermal conductivity for a material
Received:July 09, 2009  Revised:July 19, 2010
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KeyWord:inverse heat conduction problem  thermal conductivity  inversion  Genetic Algorithms  Adjoint Equation Method
唐中华 西南科技大学土建学院,绵阳
钱国红 海军装备研究院 航空研究所,上海
钱炜祺 中国空气动力研究与发展中心,绵阳
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      Estimation of thermal conductivity of a material is a typical Inverse Heat Conduction Problem(IHCP). Especially, when the thermal conductivity of a material is a function of temperature, the temperature range should be divided into several segments and let the thermal conductivity of the material to be a constant in every segment, and then these constants need to be estimated from the measurement information of boundary points. In this paper, two estimation methods, Genetic Algorithms(GA) and Adjoint Equation Method(AEM), are developed for the temperature-dependent thermal conductivity inversion problem. After applying these two inversion methods to some typical cases and analyzing the influence of measurement random noise and system noise, it is found that both inversion methods are feasible, effective, robust and not too sensitive to the measurement noise and system noise. Both methods are of bright prospect in engineering practice.