The contact model and numerical simulation of parenchyma cell aspirated by micropipette and squashed by mechanical probe
Received:February 22, 2009  Revised:May 26, 2010
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KeyWord:cell mechanical model  micropipette  microprobe  computational biomechanics
付志一 中国农业大学 理学院,北京
焦群英 中国农业大学 理学院,北京
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      A numerical model was formed from a typical parenchyma spherical plant cell to show the contact behavior of a cell suckled by a micropipette and squashed by a probe. The cell was built as a spherical membrane filled with static liquid. The incompressible hyper-elastic constitutive was used for cell wall, the incompressible hydrostatic fluid was used to simulate inner cytoplasm. The contact model was used to simulate the interaction of membrane touching with micropipette and microprobe. Considering nonlinear geometric and physic relations, the differential control equations were deduced. The numerical solutions were obtained through Runge-Kutta method. As a comparative solution, the cell was also modeled and simulated by fluid-solid coupled finite element method. The solutions of the two methods were fairly agreed with each other. Finally, looking into the solutions of deformation, inside pressure, stresses on the wall and contact forces, the effect of inner diameter of pipette and diameter of probe to these results were discussed.