Substructure method for analysis of submarine pipeline pipelay
Received:June 08, 2009  Revised:December 16, 2009
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KeyWord:pipelines  stinger  substructure  Roller
张向锋 大连理工大学运载工程与力学学部工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 大连
张文首 大连理工大学运载工程与力学学部工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 大连
李欣 海洋石油工程股份有限公司,天津
岳前进 大连理工大学运载工程与力学学部工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室 大连
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      Deep-water S-Lay of pipelines requires large deformation and contact analysis in three-dimensional space. It is difficult to be solved due to slow convergence rate. To overcome this problem, a substructure method is presented in this paper. By condensing the degrees of freedom of internal nodes of the stinger, the pipelay problem can be formulated and solved in two-dimensional space. This method has the advantage of fast convergence rate and can be used to carry out extensive parametric studies for pipelay problem.