Reliability calculation and reliability sensitivity analysis of structural system based on Monte-Carlo method
Received:June 08, 2009  Revised:March 05, 2010
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KeyWord:reliability  structural system  Monte-Carlo method  sensitivity analysis  safe margin
赵维涛 沈阳航空航天大学 航空宇航工程学院,沈阳
张旭 沈阳航空航天大学 航空宇航工程学院,沈阳
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      Based on the reliability analysis theory, the sensitivity of structural failure probability to random variable mean is expressed as the product of failure probability and expectation of regularization random variable in the failure domain. The expression of structural linear equivalent safe margin is given by using the result of sensitivity analysis. The method can be applied to the random variable with arbitrary distribution by equivalent probability transform. When the failure probability is calculated by the method proposed in the paper, the sensitivity of structural failure probability to random variable mean is also given without the need to recalculation, which improves the efficiency of sensitivity analysis. The method is not controlled by the nonlinear level of safe margin, and the method is suitable for the single element, series system, parallel system, and series parallel system. The calculation procedure is complied by using MATLAB codes. Numerical examples show that the method is efficient and accurate.