A novel dynamic condensation method with shift for finite element models
Received:March 17, 2009  Revised:June 02, 2010
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KeyWord:finite element model (FEM)  dynamic condensation  matrix power accelerated subspace iteration  shift
张安平 南京航空航天大学 航空宇航学院,南京 ;南京航空航天大学 无人机研究院,南京
陈国平 南京航空航天大学 航空宇航学院,南京
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      Combining the matrix power accelerated subspace iteration method with the shift technique, this paper presents a novel structural dynamic condensation method. Firstly, the structural initial finite element model(FEM) is condensed only once by carrying out the matrix power accelerated subspace iteration method, and the eigenvalues of the initial condensed FEM are calculated. Then, the shift place is determined by judging the convergence situation of low-order eigenvalues, and a new general eigen-equation with shift is built after a suited shift cost is chosen. Finally, the dynamic condensation matrix of the new general eigen-equation is calculated iteratively via the matrix power accelerated subspace iteration, and the accurate condensed FEM is obtained after the iteration convergence. The numerical examples show that the presented method is feasible and has the advantage of quicker convergence rate as well as high reduction accuracy.