Free vibration analysis of symmetric laminated composite plates based on the inverse multiquadric radial basis function
Received:July 08, 2009  Revised:November 15, 2009
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KeyWord:inverse multiquadric  radial basis functions  higher order shear deformation theory  composite  laminated plates  free vibration analysis
项松 沈阳航空航天大学 动力与能源工程学院,沈阳
石宏 沈阳航空航天大学 动力与能源工程学院,沈阳
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      Higher-order shear deformation theories of Reddy discretized by a meshless collocation method based on the inverse multiquadric radial basis function are used to predict the free vibration behavior of symmetric laminated composite plates. Natural frequencies are computed for various material parameters, geometry parameters, boundary conditions of laminated plates, and compared with some available published results. Through numerical experiments, the high numerical accuracy and good convergence of the inverse multiquadric radial basis function method for free vibration analysis of symmetric laminated composite plates are demonstrated.