Investigation on radial elastic modulus of an interface of bond-type anchorage for FRP tendon
Received:February 21, 2009  Revised:October 29, 2009
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KeyWord:FRP  bond  radial  elastic modulus
蒋田勇 长沙理工大学 土木与建筑学院,长沙
方志 湖南大学 土木工程学院,长沙
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      Rib-scale model and Bar-scale model of bond interface for FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) bond-type anchors are made. The analytical solution with Fourier-Bessel series is obtained for FRP tendon and concrete and steel sleeve when the bond interface is subjected to a radial traction. The overall agreement between the analytical and numerical solutions suggests that the validity of present approaches and its applicability to bond-type anchorage for CFRP tendons are proved. Based on this equivalence measure of the strain energies stored in the elastic bodies, radial elastic modulus of an interface for bond-type anchorage is available from the analytical expressions. The analytical results show that it is most significant for transverse elastic modulus for FRP tendon to radial elastic modulus. Radial elastic modulus of bond interface is applied to the numerical analysis for investigating the bond performance in detail. The numerical results show that Bar-scale model with radial elastic modulus of bond interface is significant for the radial performance or not for the axial performance.