2D numerical computation of transverse gaseous flow into a falling drop-field
Received:May 26, 2009  Revised:March 18, 2010
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KeyWord:gas/drop two-phase flows  chemical reaction  SIMPLE scheme
薛社生 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,北京
徐明 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,北京
束小建 北京应用物理与计算数学研究所,北京
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      Numerical computation of Cl2/He gases flow transverse traveling into falling BHP ( basic hydrogen peroxide)drops field with chemical reaction was carried out. Modeled flow was a gas/drop two-phase flow, and gas-phase equation was established in which both of the mass source term, describing drops/chlorine reaction and the generation and release of singlet oxygen, and the momentum source term, describing the drag on gas flow from liquid drops, was considered.Because the gaseous momentum was small, the transverse offset of a falling liquid drop was less and its velocity was basically invariable,therefore an assumption could be made that the number density of droplets in the fluid field was uniform.An analysis formula of gaseous mass source term was obtained based on laminar boundary layer theory. This formula indicated the relation between the chlorine flux cross the surface of a liquid drop and the concentration of chlorine in hybrid gases, and the velocity of inflow gases. To solve the gaseous model equations, the SIMPLE scheme was used. Modeled results showed that, a vortex generated on the site near the top and the right boundary of the drop-filled region.The density of hybrid gases decreased in drop-filled region, and the chlorine utility, the singlet oxygen decreased with increasment of inflow velocity. These results agreed well with the experimental tests provided in relevant reference.