Twelve-field generalized variational principles for initial-boundary-value problem of magneto-electroelasto dynamics
Received:June 29, 2009  Revised:February 02, 2010
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KeyWord:generalized variational principle  magneto-electro-elasto dynamics  initial-boundary-value problem
王作君 燕山大学 电气工程学院 测试计量技术及仪器河北省重点实验室, 秦皇岛
郑德忠 燕山大学 电气工程学院 测试计量技术及仪器河北省重点实验室, 秦皇岛
郑成博 燕山大学 电气工程学院 测试计量技术及仪器河北省重点实验室, 秦皇岛
郑世科 燕山大学 电气工程学院 测试计量技术及仪器河北省重点实验室, 秦皇岛
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      Based on the generalized variational principles(GVPs) established by Yao for magnetoelectroelastic solids, the twelve-field GVPs for the initial-boundary-value problem of magneto-electro-elasto dynamics are established by using the method on unconventional Hamilton-type GVPs. The new GVPs can fully characterize this dynamics. The independent variables are all variables of the discussed problem, such as displacements, velocities, momentums, strains, stresses, electric displacements, magnetic inductions, electric field intensities, magnetic field intensities, electric scalar potential, magnetic scalar potential and magnetic vector potentials. The proposed GVPs can provide the theoretical basis for establishment of various approximate methods, such as hybrid or mixed finite element method, in magnetoelectro-elasto dynamics.