Method based on simple additive rules of probabilityfor dynamic reliability calculations
Received:June 19, 2009  Revised:October 25, 2009
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KeyWord:dynamic reliability  importance sampling method  domain decomposition method  simple additive rules of probability  small failure probability
刘佩 北京交通大学 土木建筑工程学院,北京
姚谦峰 北京交通大学 土木建筑工程学院,北京
袁泉 北京交通大学 土木建筑工程学院,北京
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      In this paper, computational procedures of importance sampling method based on elementary failure events and domain decomposition method are presented first. In the following steps, firstly according to importance sampling method, elementary failure regions corresponding to the failure of a particular output response at a particular instant are proposed. Secondly according to domain decomposition method, mutual exclusive sets are proposed. Finally according to the relation between elementary failure regions and mutual exclusive sets, and simple additive rules of probability, the failure probability can be expressed. The key problems are the determination of unit impulse response function and the number of samples which fall into the mutual exclusive sets. Results of numerical examples show that for estimation of dynamic reliability, especially small failure probability in high dimensions, the efficiency of the method proposed in this paper is increased obviously compared with Monte-Carlo method, and is as high as the efficiency of importance sampling method based on elementary failure regions and that of domain decomposition method.