Transient wave of the pile with variable sections embedded partially in homogeneous soil
Received:October 29, 2008  Revised:September 29, 2010
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KeyWord:reverberation-ray matrix method  defective pile with variable sections embedded partially in soil  transient wave  velocity mobility  homogeneous soil
余云燕 甘肃省道路桥梁与地下工程重点实验室,兰州 ;兰州交通大学 土木工程学院,兰州
余莉芬 西安铁路局,西安
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      Based on the method of reverberation-ray matrix, the velocity mobility, at the top of defective pile with variable sections embedded partially in homogeneous soil, under unit exciting force, is derived. The time velocity response at pile top is further obtained by inverse Fourier transform and convolution theorem acted by a half-sine impulse. The velocity mobility and reflecting waves of the neck-reduced pile, neck-expanded pile, and perfect pile embedded partially in homogeneous soil are compared. The effect of defective type, defective length, defective location and defective degree on velocity mobility and reflecting wave at the pile top are further analyzed, and the velocity mobility curves and reflecting wave curves of neck-reduced-expanded pile and neck-expanded-reduced pile embedded partially in soil are compared. It is shown that the influence of the medium change around the pile to mobility curves and reflecting wave curves is less than that of the defect of pile.