Study on the modeling theory of the normal impact dynamics for the planar flexible multibody system
Received:December 11, 2008  Revised:November 06, 2009
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KeyWord:planar flexible multibody system  impact  modeling method  velocity jump condition  discontinuity surface
董富祥 上海交通大学 工程力学系,上海
洪嘉振 上海交通大学 工程力学系,上海
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      According to the disadvantages of the existing modeling methods on the flexible multibody system the main factors such as the modeling method and the initial conditions are analyzed , and based on the varying the constraints technique the dynamic equations of the flexible multibody system during impact process is derived. Firstly, the finite element formulation for the deformable bodies in multibody system is introduced to solve the difficult problems in the algorithms for contact interface search in the substructure technique, then the second-order differential equations of the normal displacement constraints between the two contact points are derived in the convex flexible body. Secondly, from the mechanism of the velocity discontinuity caused by the impact the velocity jump formulation at the impact moment is presented, which is derived by the discontinuity surface theory of continuum mechanics. The derived velocity jump formulation is determined by its physical properties. Finally, the numerical example of the low velocity impact between two elastic disks is simulated. The numerical simulation results show that the improved method in this paper is accord with mechanics principle, and the convergence of the simulation results is satisfied.