Study on the application of the homogeneous matrix method of the multi-body system to the dynamic response of floating bridge
Received:February 24, 2009  Revised:March 30, 2010
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KeyWord:the homogeneous matrix method  the accumulation of displacement wave  floating bridge  fast and heavy load
江召兵 解放军理工大学 工程兵工程学院,南京
沈庆 解放军理工大学 工程兵工程学院,南京
陈徐均 解放军理工大学 工程兵工程学院,南京
赵红亮 解放军理工大学 工程兵工程学院,南京
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      The stiffness of the long floating bridge and the propagation velocity of displacement wave are much less than those of the general steel or concrete bridge. The effect of the displacement wave accumulation will be arisen in front of load on the floating bridge subjected to fast and heavy load when the velocity of the load is faster than that of the propagation of displacement wave. Then the homogeneous matrix method for multi-body is briefly introduced firstly, and the dynamic function for the floating bridge is written by employing the homogeneous matrix method. Then the numerical and the model test both indicated that the wave accumulation effect is more obvious when the load is heavier and the velocity of the load is faster.