The dynamic analysis for the non-homogeneous moderately thick plate by the meshless LRPIM
Received:December 18, 2008  Revised:June 18, 2009
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KeyWord:meshless method  non-homogeneous moderately thick plate  local radial point interpolation method  free vibration  forced vibration
夏平 湖南工程学院 机械工程学院,湘潭 ;湖南大学 机械与运载工程学院,长沙
龙述尧 湖南大学 机械与运载工程学院,长沙
魏克湘 湖南工程学院 机械工程学院,湘潭
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      The meshless local radial point interpolation method (LRPIM) for solving free vibration and forced vibration problems for a non-homogeneous moderately thick plate is presented in this paper. The discretized system equation of the moderately thick plate is obtained using a locally weighted residual method. It uses a radial basis function (RBF) coupled with a polynomial basis function as a trial function, and uses the quartic spline function as a test function of the weighted residual method. The shape function has the Kronecker delta function properties, and no additional treatment to impose essential boundary conditions. The present method is a true meshless method as it doesn’t need any grids,and all integrals can be easily evaluated over regularly shaped domains and their boundaries. In computational procedures, variations of material properties in the considered domain are simulated by adopting proper material parameters at Gauss points in integrations. The numerical results indicate that the presented method can give quite accurate results to free vibration and forced vibration problems of the non-homogeneous moderately thick plate.