Application of algebraic multigrid method to the numerical prediction of turbulent flow
Received:November 28, 2008  Revised:November 14, 2009
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KeyWord:algebraic multigrid method  conical diffuser  turbulent flow  DLR k-ε turbulent model  sparse matrix
蒋光彪 中南林业科技大学 流变力学与材料工程研究所,长沙
何永森 湘潭大学 数学与计算科学学院,湘潭
肖映雄 湘潭大学 土木工程与力学学院,湘潭
舒适 湘潭大学 数学与计算科学学院,湘潭
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      A conical diffuser has been widely used in mechanical and mine engineering. DLR k-ε turbulent model is discreted by finite difference method. A full implicit difference scheme of high precision based on 13 points node stencil is constructed.Large sparse matrices with 13 diagonals are formed.The sparse matrices are compressively stored by three one-dimension arrays for saving memory.The algebraic multigrid method is a popular fast algorithm which is used to solve the discrete systems of differential equations. Numerical method of integrating the DLR k-ε turbulent model with the algebraic multigrid method are posed and the detailed implement process is given . Numerical experiments are shown that the computational efficiency is improved and the numerical results agree well with the experiment results.