Actual meso-structure based three-dimensional modeling method for quasi-brittle material and its primary application
Received:November 24, 2008  
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KeyWord:actual mesostructure  quasi-brittle material  three dimensional modeling  digital image
于庆磊 东北大学 岩石破裂与失稳研究中心, 沈阳
杨天鸿 东北大学 岩石破裂与失稳研究中心, 沈阳
唐春安 大连理工大学 土木水利学院,大连
梁正召 大连理工大学 土木水利学院,大连
张永彬 大连理工大学 土木水利学院,大连
郑超 东北大学 岩石破裂与失稳研究中心, 沈阳
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      A serial sectioning method is applied to capture surface images of quasi-brittle material. Digital image techniques are used to characterize the heterogeneity from surface images of raw material and then the characterized heterogeneity is transformed into vectorization mesostructures. With the assumption that the surface of each section is a representation of the inner structure within a small depth, vectorization meso-structure of each section extends a very small distance along the normal direction to form a layer of 3D cubical mesostructures and the 3D actual mesostructures of the specimen are formed by overlapping these serial layers. And according to the characteristic of surface images of quasi-brittle material, a code for processing a batch of images and vectorizing the mesostructure characterized by digital image techniques is developed and the data interface with 3D FEM grid is established. The data of grid model with actual mesostructure is directly imported into three-dimensional rock failure process analysis code (RFPA3D), so the influence of actual mesostructure on failure behaviors can be studied in detail under external loading. Here, a granular material specimen is taken as an example to demonstrate the procedure of the 3D mesostructure establishment. Then cracking process of granular material under uniaxial compression loadings in 3D space is simulated. The results show that grains distribution has a significant influence on fracture patterns of granular materials under external loadings.