The independent modal space control of piezoelectric intelligent structures based on LQG optimal control method
Received:September 02, 2008  
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KeyWord:piezoelectric materials  intelligent structures  active vibration control  LQG optimal control  independent modal space
张京军 河北工程大学 科研处,邯郸
何丽丽 河北工程大学 土木工程学院,邯郸
李现敏 河北工程大学 土木工程学院,邯郸
高瑞贞 河北工程大学 土木工程学院,邯郸
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      The active vibration control for intelligent structures are studied by using piezoelectric materials as sensors and actuators in this paper, based on the mechanical-electrical coupling equations of sensors/actuators, the vibration control dynamics equations are decoupled through converting them into the modal space form. The optimal collocated position of piezoelectric element is determined through the calculation of the maximal stress. Considering the influence of the process noise and measurement noise to the dynamics characteristic of the structures, a Kalman filter is designed, and adopts the independent modal space control method which based on the Linear Quadratic Gauss (LQG) optimal control to suppress the vibration of the piezoelectric intelligent structures. Finally, the paper takes a piezoelectric intelligent cantilever beam as an example and gives the controlled simulation curve, the results show the effectivity of the method in this paper.