Experimental investigation of the aerodynamic
Received:August 25, 2008  
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KeyWord:Tandem-Airfoil  lift-to-drag ratio  canard  mesh
张国庆 北京理工大学 宇航科学技术学院,北京
杨树兴 北京理工大学 宇航科学技术学院,北京
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      Based on low Reynolds number,the aerodynamic characteristics of the Tandem-Airfoil were simulated numerically in using of 2D-CFD method. The lift and drag characteristics between the Tandem-Airfoil and the single airfoil had been compared. The impacts on the lift and drag characteristics made by the different angles of the canard and wing (δ) had been analyzed. And keeping αc=±5°, the impacts made by the relative distance and height of the installation had been investigated, finding that the canard in the upper position had the bigger (Cl)max and αcr, it could significantly improve the aerodynamic characteristics of Tandem-Airfoil.