Dynamic modeling for a composite plate undergoing large overall motion
Received:August 17, 2008  
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KeyWord:composite plate  large overall motion  finite element method  second order coupling deformation variables
吴根勇 西北工业大学 力学与土木建筑学院,西安
和兴锁 西北工业大学 力学与土木建筑学院,西安
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      The second order coupling deformation variable, which is ignored in traditional method, is considered in this paper.The equations of motion is established using finite element method and Lagrange principal. The reliability of the motion equations derived in the present work is validated by numerical study.It can be seen form the results that the stiffeness variation terms have effects on the dynamic of overall motion plate,and as the deformation results are increased as the rotating velocity increase. As the rotating velocity increase,there is a obvious difference in the deformation results between new and conventional method. Variation of the deformation of the observed point versus ply angle is also investigated in the work, it can be seen from the results that, deformation of the angle point increases as the ply angle increases. Based on the comparison of laminate plate and isotropic plate undergoing the same large overall motion, an obvious difference can be found.