Influences of two-cylinder heights on their drag coefficients in a rectangle channel
Received:June 05, 2008  
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KeyWord:Large eddy simulation  channel flow  drag coefficient  flow past over two-rectangle cylinders
秦鹏高 南京理工大学 瞬态物理科技重点实验室,南京
朱利刚 南京理工大学 瞬态物理科技重点实验室,南京
陈志华 南京理工大学 瞬态物理科技重点实验室,南京
栗保明 南京理工大学 瞬态物理科技重点实验室,南京
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      Large eddy simulation (LES) of flow past over two wall-mounted rectangle cylinders in a rectangle channel has been performed in this paper. Our numerical results show that the development and interaction processes of vortices shedding from two cylinders,moreover, the variations of two-cylinder drag coefficients with the increase of their height have been calculated. With the increase of two-cylinder heights, both of the drag coefficient value of upstream cylinder and the drag vibration amplitude of the downstream cylinder increase quickly, and these are not desired in engineering field. However, if we just increase the downstream cylinder height, then the upstream cylinder drag coefficient decreases slightly, although the drag coefficient of downstream cylinder increases, but its value is still small compared to the drag coefficient of the upstream cylinder in the first case, in addition, its variation amplitude is also small comparatively. Therefore, the drag forces of both two cylinders have been improved with the increase of downstream cylinder height.