Numerical simulation to optimize the position of subway’s shaft
Received:March 27, 2008  
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KeyWord:subway tunnel  the shaft’s position  moving mesh  optimization
王峰 西南交通大学 土木学院,成都
邓园也 西南交通大学 研究生院,成都
王明年 西南交通大学 土木学院,成都
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      To consider the influence of ventilation shaft on environment and pressure change in the subway and optimize the shaft’s position, the three-dimensional unsteady numerical analysis using the moving mesh and the sliding interface method was carried out when the shaft situates on the acceleration segment, the uniform motion segment and the deceleration segment of trains. The results show that the numerical result of the tunnel without any shaft agrees with the foreign experimental data. It is extremely beneficial to utilize train-induced piston to exclude the heat when the shaft locates on the uniform motion segment of trains and near to the outlet of station. Meantime the maximum pressure amplitude and the pressure gradient of the inlet could also decrease effectively, but the maximum pressure amplitude and the pressure gradient of the outlet would increase. To take the effect of shaft on ventilation and aerodynamics into account, the shaft should be placed on the uniform motion segment of trains and near to the outlet of station with consideration of the running mode of trains.