A method of synthetic reliability analysis on static strength and fracture of structure
Received:September 04, 2008  
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KeyWord:structural reliability  static strength failure  fracture failure  correlation  equivalent life
赵维涛 沈阳航空工业学院 航空宇航工程学院,沈阳
张凌云 沈阳航空工业学院 航空宇航工程学院,沈阳
张大千 沈阳航空工业学院 航空宇航工程学院,沈阳
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      Based on the randomicity of crack propagation under fatigue load, the method of synthetic reliability analysis is established for static strength and fracture of structure. In this method, the equivalent life of the element for static strength failure is established, and the synthetic reliability failure rule of element is proposed, and the correlation between static strength failure and fracture failure is analyzed. The results of example show that the correlation between static strength failure and fracture failure is increased with increase of using life, and the significant failure paths are different at the different using life, and the failure forms of elements in the significant failure paths have static strength failure and fracture failure. The results of reliability analysis are insecure when the static strength or fracture is separately considered.