Energy response analysis of high-rise steel-concrete hybrid structure
Received:May 27, 2008  
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KeyWord:high-rise building  steel-concrete hybrid structure  seismic action  energy response
陆铁坚 中南大学 土木建筑学院,长沙
秦素娟 国核电力设计研究院,北京
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      In this paper, the energy response method is used to study the seismic response of external steel frame and internal concrete core tube mixed structures under earthquake actions. It discusses the earthquake total input energy of the structure under different ground motion parameters, and the regularity of the total input energy between hysteretic energy and damping energy. Through analyzing the distribution of hysteretic energy between different floors and between external steel frame and internal concrete core tube of the hybrid structure, it shows that the hysteretic energy is mostly located in the bottom layer of the shear wall, the region where shows severe damage under earthquake action. Through the study, it is found that the energy responses analysis method is quite effective to reflect the seismic response process and the elasto-plastic performance of the steel-concrete hybrid structure under earthquake inputs.