The effective magneto-electro-elastic moduli of matrix-based three-phase multi-ferroic composites
Received:August 06, 2008  
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KeyWord:multi-ferroic composite  magneto-electric effect  Mori-Tanaka model
金国 湘潭大学 材料与光电物理学院 低维材料及其应用技术教育部重点实验室,湘潭
谢淑红 湘潭大学 材料与光电物理学院 低维材料及其应用技术教育部重点实验室,湘潭
李江宇 湘潭大学 材料与光电物理学院 低维材料及其应用技术教育部重点实验室,湘潭
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      A mean field Mori-Tanaka model was developed to calculate the effective magneto-electro-elastic moduli of matrix-based three-phase multi-ferroic composites, and the variations of magnetoelectric coefficients of the composites with respect to the micro-structural features have been investigated. The results show a strong influence of volume fraction and shape aspect ratios of constituent phases on the effective magneto-electric coefficients. These numerical results provide guidelines for the experimental design of the multi-ferroic composite.