Moving grid method in numerical simulation of compressible multi-material flows
Received:March 31, 2008  Revised:October 23, 2009
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KeyWord:Compressible multi-material flows  Moving Grids  Grid local re-meshing technology  AL E formulations  HLLC Scheme
王兵 南京航空航天大学 民航学院,南京
司海青 南京航空航天大学 民航学院,南京
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      In the numerical simulation of compressible multi-material flows, the material interface is defined as a special internal boundary composed by unst ruct ured grid edges, either side of which corresponds to a grid of one material. Riemann problem is solved in order to track the motion of the grid points on the material interface and local re-meshing technology is applied to deal with the large-scale deformation of the moving grids. At the same time, the material interface is defined as a kind of grid-deforming boundary to avoid negative grid volumes near the interface. HLLC scheme is used to solve AL E formulations to obtain the resolutions of the whole multi-material fluid domain. Several multi-material modules are computed to indicate that the method in this paper is feasible and successful in tracking the motion state of the material interface.