Damage identification of frame structure by means of wavelet analysis of strain mode
Received:August 23, 2008  
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KeyWord:structural damage identification  strain mode  wavelet transform  wavelet denoising
管德清 长沙理工大学 土木与建筑学院,长沙
黄燕 湖南交通职业技术学院,长沙
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      Based on wavelet transform of strain mode, the damage identification of plane frame was studied in this paper. Solving strain modal parameters of plane frames with cracks by means of the finite element theory, applying the gauss2 wavelet transform to analyse the stain mode of plane frame, and denoising the wavelet coefficients of the strain mode by db3 wavelet, then the location of crack of the plane frame could be identified by the maximum of wavelet coefficients after denoising. Therefore, this method was proposed for damage identification of plane frames based on strain mode. Taking one-story plane frame for example, three finite element models, including a frame beam with a crack, each frame column with a crack, and each frame beam and column with a crack, were set up seperately, then the above-mentioned method was applied to identify the location of the crack. The results show that the method is effective, and it may be useful in damage identification and diagnosis in structures.