Interstorey drift response gradient and Hessian matrix computation of spatial frame structures under the earthquake motion
Received:February 13, 2008  
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KeyWord:seismic design  dynamic response optimization  interstorey drift response gradient  interstorey drift response Hessian matrix  spatial frame
刘齐茂 广西大学 土木建筑学院,南宁 ;广西工学院 土木建筑系,柳州
燕柳斌 广西大学 土木建筑学院,南宁
Hits: 1933
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      The paper presents an accurate algorithm of calculating the interstorey drift response gradient and Hessian matrix of the spatial frame structures under the earthquake motion. The formulas for the interstorey drift response gradient and Hessian matrix of the spatial frame structures subjected to the earthquake excitation were derived based on the finite element and Newmark-β methods. The computational steps of the interstorey drift response gradient and Hessian matrix of the spatial frame structures subjected to the earthquake excitation were designed for compiling programme in matlab language. The method umplements the computation of interstorey drift response gradient and Hessian matrix of spatial frame structures in accurate degree. Finally, a two-story spatial frame structures was demonstrated as an example. The numerical result indicates the algorithm is effective.