A kind of scalar damage elastoplastic constitutive model of concrete
Received:June 17, 2008  
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KeyWord:damage constitutive relationship  damage variable  damage criteria  upgrading of stress  consistent tangent modulus  experiment simulation
邵长江 同济大学 土木工程防灾国家重点实验室,上海
钱永久 西南交通大学 土木学院,成都
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      Degradation of material properties could be considered as the micro damage mechanism of concrete structures, which introduces the macro behaviors of structures with stiffness delimitation and bearing loss of the system. In this essay, the authors derived one kind of scalar damage constitutive model based on the irreversible thermodynamics. The yielding criterion was expressed in time-discretization formulation. The two-step map returning method (closest point projection method) based upon implicit backward Euler scheme was obtained according to the stress upgrade algorithm. The plastic parameter and the consistent tangent stiffness tensor were deduced which meet the convergent supposition. The constitutive integral Jacobi matrix of a 3D beam element was listed at the same time. Then a simple-supported concrete beam under monotonic loading was simulated according to the previous damage model. Comparison between the experiment results and simulation solution indicates the validity and rationality of the model and framework described beforehand.