Structural multi-scale boundary element method based on element subdivision technique
Received:April 29, 2008  
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KeyWord:boundary element method  element subdivision technique  structural multi-scale  nonhomogeneous material  multi-domain problems
王静 东南大学 土木工程学院工程力学系,南京
高效伟 大连理工大学 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,大连
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      A boundary element method for solving structural multi-scale problems is described. The method is based on an efficient adaptive element subdivision technique and a three-step solution technique for multi-domain boundary element method. First, Gauss integration error formulate is used to ascertain the required number of Gauss points under given accuracy. Once the number exceeds the allowed number, the element is divided into a number of sub-elements, and consequently, near singularities caused by the multi-scales can be eliminated. A three-step solution technique for multi-domain boundary element method is adopted for solving non-homogeneous material problems based on the sub-element technique. The first step is to eliminate internal variables at the individual domain level. The second step is to eliminate boundary unknowns defined over nodes used only by a domain itself. And the third step is to establish the system of equations according to the compatibility of displacements and equilibrium of tractions at common interface nodes, and solve the system for displacements at common interface nodes as well as other unknowns within each sub-domain. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate that the presented method can obtain satisfied results with less computational time, and it is an efficient method for solving structural multi-scale problems.