Constrained H control method for active suspensions of vehicles
Received:August 25, 2008  
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KeyWord:active suspensions  time-domain hard constraints  H control  output feedback  linear matrix inequalities
宋刚 大连理工大学 运载工程与力学学部 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,大连 ;重庆交通科研设计院 结构动力工程所 桥梁工程结构动力学国家重点实验室,重庆
吴志刚 大连理工大学 运载工程与力学学部 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,大连
林家浩 大连理工大学 运载工程与力学学部 工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,大连
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      The problem of H output feedback control for linear time-discrete systems with time-domain hard constraints is considered. With the assumption of disturbance energy being bounded, a constrained H output feedback control strategy is proposed based on linear matrix inequality technology and sufficient conditions for the existence of such a controller are derived. The proposed constrained H control scheme is applied to active suspensions. Simulation results for a quarter car model show that whether the variations of the vehicle model parameters exist or not, the constrained H controller can achieve a promising improvement on ride comfort, while keeping suspension strokes, dynamic tire loads and control forces within given bounds.