The defect model of the elastic wave in the 1D doping phononic crystal of solid-solid constitute
Received:October 23, 2007  
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KeyWord:phononic crystal  elastic wave  transfer matrix  defect model
刘启能 重庆工商大学 计信学院, 重庆
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      In order to study defect model of elastic wave in solid-solid constitute doping phononic crystal, the transfer matrix of doping phononic crystal was inferred as the elastic wave oblique incidence. Transmission coefficient of elastic wave in the doping phononic crystal was calculated. It was found that there are several defect moldel in the forbidden band and the defect model varies with the doping thickness periodically. In same defect model, the doping thickness increased with the frequency of defect model linearly decreases. These characteristics of defect model can be used as the design of phononic crystal filter.