Failure probability calculation for surrounding rock stability of tunnel considering random parameter distribution characteristics
Received:January 23, 2008  
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KeyWord:computational mechanics  tunnel deformation  sampling method  failure probability  response surface method
苏永华 湖南大学 土木工程学院 地下工程系,长沙
李翔 湖南大学 土木工程学院 地下工程系,长沙
赵明华 湖南大学 土木工程学院 地下工程系,长沙
谢志勇 湖南大学 土木工程学院 地下工程系,长沙
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      A general expression of limit state equation for surrounding rock stability was established based on its deformation failure principle. A procedure of resolving this equation was investigated through response surface method (RSM), which deduced that the classical RSM was only suitable for the circumstance that the skewness coefficient of distribution curve for physical and mechanical parameter of surrounding rock is zero. Subsequently, aiming at the complexity of statistical distribution curve for these physical and mechanical parameters of surrounding rock and according to the effects of statistics moment parameters on the configuration of distribution curve for random variables, a modified method and its corresponding calculation formulae for samples were proposed. An algorithm for the improved RSM was further summarized. Taking a certain highway tunnel as an example, the reliability of surrounding rock stability was calculated by the classical RSM and the improved RSM, respectively. The computed results were compared with those obtained by Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) method, which reveals that the absolute error of calculated results between the classical RSM and MCS method is approximate to 1.017%, whereas the absolute error of computational results between the improved RSM and MCS method is found to be 0.388%.