Reinforcement layout optimization of RC plane components
Received:January 23, 2008  Revised:November 22, 2008
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KeyWord:reinforced concrete  structural optimization  strut-and-tie model  reinforcement layout optimization
刘霞 湖南大学 土木工程学院,长沙
易伟建 湖南大学 土木工程学院,长沙
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      Plane section assumption is not suitable for D-regions in reinforced concrete structure whose reinforcement layout design is often directed by experiment results and experience which induces some error and conservative results to the reality design. Reinforced concrete is a composite material and it works as a strut-and-tie model made of concrete compressive rods and steel tensile bars. A new optimal method named genetic evolutionary algorithm is used here to build the strut-and tie model reflecting the mechanic characteristic of reinforced concrete structures Concrete rods are appointted to the places of strut and steel bars are appointted to the places of tie according to the strut-and-tie model. A simply supported deep beam was quoted here first to finding its strut-and-tie model and corresponding reinforcement assembly. The total areas of resisting reinforcements determined by strut-and-tie model were less than that determined by the active code. The new method was also determined to design some representative structures like corbels and beam-column connections conveniently.