A new method for second-order effect analysis on spacial mega frame of super tall buildings due to both horizontal and vertical loadings
Received:August 10, 2007  Revised:November 16, 2008
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KeyWord:spacial mega frame of super tall building  three dimensional press-column with shear-typed elastic basement  second-order effect analysis  three dimensional beam with Winkler elastic subgrade
包世华 清华大学 土木工程系,北京
龚耀清 河南理工大学 土木工程学院,焦作
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      A new simplified analytical method is presented for second-order effect analysis on the space mega frame of super tall buildings, which simplifies a spacial mega frame as an assemblage of its mega press-columns with shear-typed elastic subgrade obtained by bending rigidity of the subsidiary frames within the mega frames, and mega girders with Winkler-typed elastic basement provided by the axial stiffness of their accessorial columns. And then the member stiffness matrix of the simplified mega press-column as well as the simplified mega girder was formulated, respectively. Consequently, the second-order effect analysis was performed. It is observed through computing example that the simplified analytical method will supply a reasonable and feasible computing approach for the second-order effect analysis of spacial mega frame of super tall buildings.