The optimum design of a new type of compressed rubbish truck
Received:November 07, 2007  
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KeyWord:new compressed rubbish vehicle  elliptical section  load expression of compressed rubbish  structural optimization  guide-weight method
陈树勋 广西大学 机械工程学院,南宁
秦建宁 广西玉柴专用汽车厂,南宁
范长伟 广西大学 机械工程学院,南宁
汤勇 广西大学 机械工程学院,南宁
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      Through a mathematical programming, firstly, the optimum shape of the compressed rubbish truck has been found. Then a new type of compressed rubbish truck with full elliptical section has been designed. Using the Eggshell rubbish load expression, we give the mathematical expressions of weight, inertia, compression, push loads. Using Guide-weight method, on the basis is of finite element analysis in the most dangerous service conditions, the structural optimization of the compressed rubbish vehicle is successfully completed. Through the structural optimization, within the permissible stress, the weight of the new type of rubbish truck with elliptical section has reduced by 33.5% than that of old compressed rubbish truck with rectangular section, and it is the lightest one of this kind of compressed rubbish trucks.