Slabs-disassembled method of thin-walled bar analysisconsidering restrained torsion
Received:March 30, 2007  
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KeyWord:thin-walled bar  restrained torsion  slabs-disassembled method  stiffness equation  warpping theory
金声 重庆大学 土木工程学院,重庆
李开禧 重庆大学 土木工程学院,重庆
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      The method used in the analysis of thin-walled bars in this paper is distinct from that of V.Z. Vlasov's. The resistance system of a thin-walled bar is divided here into two parts: the first part contains torsional rigidity only while the second part consists of all but torsional rigidity. The interaction forces between the two parts represented by the shear forces on the middle surface of the thin-walled bar are derived. The resistance forces of the first system, together with external loads, are applied to the second system whose performance has been studied carefully, then the element stiffness matrix and the equivalent nodal forces of external loads of the bar are deduced. The new method, consequently, doesn't need the calculation of sectional properties, such as the warping constant and the moment of inertia. Further more, based on this expression of stiffness, the buckling and distortional analysis of thin-walled members can be carried out.