Free-interface component mode synthesis methods for damped vibration systems
Received:December 29, 2007  
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KeyWord:complex modes  substructure  free-interface  component mode synthesis
何欢 南京航空航天大学 振动工程研究所,南京
陈国平 南京航空航天大学 振动工程研究所,南京
陆颖华 南京航空航天大学 振动工程研究所,南京
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      This paper focuses on free-interface component mode synthesis methods for damped vibration systems. In order to accurately model the dynamics of the structure, the Residual flexibility matrix is calculated through a weighted-orthogonal matrix formulated in this paper. Since directly calculation of the inverse of the stiffness matrix can be avoided by using this weighted-orthogonal matrix, it is very useful to the synthesis of free substructures. Generalized conforming condition of the interface is discussed. Based on these studies, a new free interface components synthesis method for damping structure is developed. The validity of this method is demonstrated through numerical examples.