Analysis of the stress singularity of plane bimaterial V-notcheswith interpolating matrix method
Received:December 06, 2007  
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KeyWord:stress singularity orders  the interpolating matrix method  V-notch  biomaterial
牛忠荣 合肥工业大学 工程力学系,合肥
葛大丽 安徽建筑工业学院 土木工程学院,合肥
程长征 合肥工业大学 工程力学系,合肥
叶建乔 合肥工业大学 工程力学系,合肥 ;英国Leeds大学 土木工程学院
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      In this paper, a new way was proposed to evaluate the orders of singularity for plane V-notch problems. Based on an asymptotic displacement field in terms of radial coordinates at the V-notch tip, the governing equations of the elastic theory were transformed into an eigenvalue problem of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Then the interpolating matrix method which was a numerical method of solving two-point boundary valve problems was further developed to solve the general ODEs eigenvalue problem. Thus the singularity orders of the V-notch problem are determined through solving the corresponding ODEs by means of the interpolating matrix method. In addition, the associated eigenvectors of the displacement and stress fields near the V-notches are also obtained.