Researches on interacting double circular inclusions in an infinite matrix
Received:May 09, 2007  
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KeyWord:inclusion  hybrid element  rigid  hole  interaction
姜羡 华东交通大学 机电学院,南昌
陈梦成 华东交通大学 土木学院, 南昌
平学成 华东交通大学 机电学院,南昌
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      A super element with an inclusion in conjunction with conventional hybrid elements is presented for the analysis of interacting double circle inclusions in an infinite plane matrix. In numerical examples, double inclusions with inclination angle 12=0°, 45° and 90° are considered, and the influences of material properties, inclination positions and center distances on the local stresses of matrix are investigated. According to the numerical results, it is found that: (1) The present hybrid element method yields satisfactory results with less elements, thus it is meaningful for stress analysis of the micromechanical analysis of heterogeneous materials with randomly distributed circular inclusions; (2) Position angles where peak hoop stresses appear at change with stiffness ratios of inclusions and matrix; (3) With different values of k and 12, the normal stresses σy in the matrix between two inclusions may increase or decrease rapidly with the shortening of center distances of the two inclusions; 4) With different values of inclination angles, normal stresses σy in the matrix between two inclusions change monotonously with stiffness ratios of inclusions and matrix.