On the numerical dispersion errors of the boundary element method in free-surface potential flow problems
Received:December 06, 2007  
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KeyWord:free-surface  potential flow  boundary element method  fourier analysis  dispersion errors
高高 武汉理工大学, 武汉
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      Using continuous and discrete Fourier analysis, the numerical dispersion errors of the Boundary Element Method in Free-Surface Potential Flow Problems are analyzed. Ways to improve the numerical dispersion errors in the computations of this kind are discussed. It is important that the investigation should be focused on the total numerical dispersion error,with the consideration of possible numerical means employed,in the corresponding operator of the Boundary Element Method in Free-Surface Potential Flow Problems but not on the numerical dispersion of the numerical means itself. Higher-order panels, singularities distributed above the free surface or some proper coupling methods are promising ways to reduce the total numerical dispersion errors of the operator concerned.