Three-dimensional numerical simulation of suspended sediment under wave and current in huangmao sea
Received:July 21, 2007  
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KeyWord:waves and currents  suspended sediment  three-dimension  numerical simulation
张心凤 中山大学 应用力学与工程系,广州
詹杰民 中山大学 应用力学与工程系,广州 ;中山大学 近岸海洋工程广东省重点实验室,广州
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      Considering the distinct mutual effect of wave and current, the obvious three-dimensional space structure and the complex sediment movement at the estuary of Huangmao Sea, a three-dimensional mathematical model of suspended sediment under the combined effect of wave and current was established, with the help of Sea Wave Model III — SWAN. As for the hydrodynamic calculation, the influence of radiation stress caused by wave, surface wind stress resulted to wave, and bottom shear stress under the combined effect of wave and current were considered. K-kl turbulence closure model was adopted to provide vertical eddy viscosity coefficient and vertical diffusion coefficient. The source function in the convective diffusion term was determined by the shear stress, and the flocculation was considered in the sedimentation velocity of suspended sediment, thereby the numerical simulation accuracy of suspended sediment field in Huangmao Sea was increased. The observed data show that the simulated values accord with the observed values on the whole. On the basis of model verification, the two kinds of different distribution characteristics of the suspended sediment were discussed, considering wave and without regard to wave. It can be applied for further study.