Topology optimization of distributed compliant mechanisms base on level set method
Received:August 18, 2007  
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KeyWord:level set method  topology optimization  quadratic energy function  additive operator splitting (AOS) scheme  up-wind scheme
罗俊召 华中科技大学 国家CAD支撑软件工程技术研究中心,武汉
王书亭 华中科技大学 国家CAD支撑软件工程技术研究中心,武汉
陈立平 华中科技大学 国家CAD支撑软件工程技术研究中心,武汉
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      A new method for designing the distributed compliant mechanisms is presented based on level set method. The quadratic energy function used in image analysis is introduced into the level set model to control the minimal geometrical dimension of the compliant mechansim optimized results and gain a strip-like even-distributed compliant mechanisms, which solves well the problems of one-node-connected hinges that exit in the conventional topology optimization of compliant mechanism. A semi-implicit additive operator splitting (AOS) scheme is adopted to solve the level set equation. In this method the time step decided by the CFL condition in the Up-wind scheme is clearly relaxed and it improves the efficiency of the optimization arithmetic. A typical two dimensional example is applied to demonstrate the validity of the presented method.