Finite element method based on complementary energy principle for large deflection of shallow beam
Received:December 19, 2007  
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KeyWord:complementary energy principle  base forces  finite element method  shallow beam  geometrical nonlinear
范志会 北京科技大学 土木与环境工程学院,北京
金明 北京交通大学 工程力学所,北京
尚新春 北京科技大学应用科学学院,北京
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      Based on the complementary energy principle for large elasticity proposed by Gao Yuchen, the generalized complementary energy principle (GCEP) was deduced when the constraints of equilibrium equations and force boundary conditions were released by the Lagrange multiplier method. According to the polar decomposition theorem, the deformation could be decomposed into two parts of rigid rotation part and pure deformation part, and then the complementary energy also included two parts in which one part was related to rigid rotation while the other was related to pure deformation. Using the linear elastic constitutive relation, the finite element model that could be used to geometrical nonlinear problem was established. With the update Lagrange method, the incremental finite element formulas were obtained. The numerical results show that the FEM based on GCEP can be used to geometrical nonlinear computation for shallow beam.