Chemo-mechanical coupling of cement-based material
Received:March 02, 2007  
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KeyWord:cement paste  chemo-mechanical coupling  constitutive law  chemical diffusion
张研 河海大学 南京 ;里尔科技大学 里尔,59650 法国
宋智通 河海大学 南京 ;南京水利科学研究院, 南京
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      Cement-based material has good resistance and it depends highly on the good coherence and mechanical behavior of cement paste. Based on experiment data and theoretical study, it is found that the leaching of calcium ions in calcium hydrates such as Ca(OH)2+ and C-S-H is a complex procedure. Assume that the cement-based material is a homogeneous material and based on the different mechanism of the hydrates in the chemical aggression, the diffusion's law is introduced. Referred to the different damage degree, a new chemical damage mechanic constitutive law is presented. In this paper, with the application of the equation of diffusion, a time dependent mechanics modeling can well describe the chemical-mechanical coupling phenomena for cement paste.