A new inversion method of rock-soils parameters based on complex-variable-differentiation method
Received:September 17, 2007  
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KeyWord:complex-variable-differentiation method  shear strength parameters  analysis of inversion  optimization algorithm  finite element method
刘明维 重庆交通大学 重庆;后勤工程学院,重庆
郑颖人 后勤工程学院,重庆
张玉芳 铁道科学研究院,北京
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      It is of prime importance to determine the shear strength parameters of rock-soils (including discontinuity) in slope stability analysis. In engineering practice, the inversion of parameters of rock-soils with the measured displacement of slope is an ideal method of determining parameters. Meanwhile, the existing method of back analysis has obtained sound result of inversion parameters of the elastic modulus, poisson’s ratio and geostress, but not ideal result in inversion process of shear strength parameters. This paper, in tackling problems in inversion process of shear strength parameters, puts forward a totally new method of back analysis, which is applicable to the shear strength parameters of rock-soils, through the integration of complex-variable-differentiation method, optimization method and elastic-plasticity finite-element method. The method mathematically back calculates shear strength parameters of rock-soils on the basis of displacement of measuring point. The sample calculation result indicates that the method possesses high accuracy and searching efficiency, and is a method of back analysis of displacement deserving popularizing.