Numerical simulation for high-speed impact problems by discrete element method
Received:December 18, 2008  
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KeyWord:DEM  elastoplastic  axi-symmetric  impact  failure
成名 北京大学 工学院 力学与空天技术系和湍流与复杂系统研究国家重点实验室, 北京
刘维甫 北京大学 工学院 力学与空天技术系和湍流与复杂系统研究国家重点实验室, 北京
刘凯欣 北京大学 工学院 力学与空天技术系和湍流与复杂系统研究国家重点实验室, 北京
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      A new discrete element method (DEM) model for elastoplastic axi-symmetric problems is established based on the principle of energy equivalence. By introducing a failure criterion, the DEM can be extended to model the transition from a continuum to a non-continuum. Moreover, an example of a steel plate impacted by a steel bullet with a high speed is given, which demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the DEM model.