FEM for a type drilling-perforating casing with screw holding in open hole completion
Received:August 01, 2007  
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KeyWord:open hole completion  screw drilling  casing  mechanical property  FEM
俞然刚 中国石油大学 华东,青岛
殷明进 中国石油大学 华东,青岛
冉艳华 中国石油大学 华东,青岛
刘磊 中国石油大学 华东,青岛
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      In view of a new type drilling-perforating casing with screw holding in open hole completion, mechanical property problem of the casing which located at the different depth of straight well and horizontal well and bearing no-even load was studied with indoor material testing and finit-element analysis methods.The result indicated that the stress and the maximal distortion increased along with the increasing of the depth; under the same depth, the maximal distortionincreased, the minimum stress decreased, and the maximal stress increased alongwith increasing of the eyelet quantity and eyelet area; the stress concentration is the major factor to depress the bearing capacity of the casing; the stress rupture resulted by load nonuniformity coefficient and the buckling collapse resulted by distortion should be considered when selecting casing. The research conclusion can provide theory basis for reasonable choice and design of the casing,the determination of aperture, density and phase of the drilling-perforating hole, analysis of casing retained strength after drilling and assurance of use security of the casing.