Research on stress-seepage-damage coupling model of hydraulic fracturing for rock mass
Received:July 16, 2007  
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KeyWord:Element-Free Method (EFM)  hydraulic fracturing  stress field  seepage field  damage mechanics  coupling analysis
沈振中 河海大学 水利水电工程学院,南京 ;水资源高效利用与工程安全国家工程研究中心,南京
张鑫 河海大学 水利水电工程学院,南京 ;河北省水利水电第二勘测设计研究院,石家庄
孙粤琳 河海大学 水利水电工程学院,南京
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      In virtue of the great advantages of the Element-Free Method (EFM) in crack propagation tracing, the numerical method is studied for simulating the hydraulic fracturing of rock mass. The influence of damage degree on its permeability coefficient and intensity of rock mass is described by defining a damage variable. Then a stress-seepage-damage coupling analysis model is established for simulating the hydraulic fracturing of rock mass, and the corresponding computation program is developed based on the EFM. Synthetically considering the influence of the interactions of stress, seepage and damage of rock mass, the crack propagation process is forecasted and analyzed for a plane stress model with an original crack. It is concluded that crack propagation angle when considering seepage is bigger than the one when not considering seepage. In addition, it is found that the action of water pressure and seepage in crack can bring forth the effect on propagation direction and length of crack. The calculational result here more approaches the one of laboratory experiment in reference.