Failure types prediction of single-layer spherical shells under simple dynamic loads using respond surface method
Received:June 28, 2007  
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KeyWord:single-layer spherical shells  response surface method  reliability indexes  simple dynamic loads  failure types prediction
包伟 东南大学土木工程学院,南京
叶继红 东南大学土木工程学院,南京
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      Dynamic instability and strength failures were the failure types of single-layer spherical shells under simple dynamic loads. So prediction of the failure types is significant. The response surface method has been used to obtain the reliability index β1 and β2 under the ultimate load Pcr and Pcr/2 respectively. The concept of damage index Kβ is presented which equals β2/β1. The relationship generalized between Kβ and the failure types. Based on the analysis mentioned above, the principles of the failure types prediction have been discussed in detail, and at the same time, the prediction process has been presented. So the purpose to predict the failure type has been achieved. As well, the prediction method has been proved to be accurate and effective.